Assign a Grass SMART Work Package to a Crew

Work packages can only be downloaded by one user at a time. Packages can be specifically allocated to a team or made available to everyone.


Once a work package has been created and activated it can be allocated immediately. Click the Allocate work drawer at the bottom of the pane.


Click the Allocate to drop-down menu to select which user to allocate the package to. 


Selecting Allow any will present the package for download to all users, or select from the list of available users to present it for download to a specific user. You can only select a single specific user, or Allow any.


Note: Only licensed field users will be listed here. Office users cannot be allocated work packages.



Click OK to allocate the work package to the selected user. Once complete, the user can open the work planning page on their tablet and they will see the work package listed at the bottom of the page.


The user can scroll through their list of work packages, or search through the list using the search box.