Using Tools in View
Each item in the View menu allows you to change what is shown on the map.
Click Zoom extents to zoom out to the greatest extent of the home page map.
Base Layer
You can view different types of imagery for your basemap layer. select from the list.
Select either Map, Aerial Photos, or a combination of the two with Hybrid.
Aerial Photos are only available at certain levels of zoom. Click None to remove the map background.
Hybrid can be used to gain more information when adding new assets or moving ones at a location.
Note: Aerial Imagery andf Hybrid require a subscription to the GetMapping section of the PSGA.
Click a box to display information. Click it again to dismiss the information. Note that certain options are based on the particular installation. This means you may not see all options in the list below and others may be included.
Wards - Borders of wards are shown as a red line. You may also see other area types, such as Parishes, Districts or Divisions.
- RoFRS Risk of Flooding from Rivers & Sea. This information is supplied by the Environment Agency.
- S/W Flood - DEFRA's Risk of Flooding from Surface Water with risk levels of 30/100/1000 years
Most filters in the system are OR filters. This means that if you select multiple values for a single filter, the system will return assets that match any of the values selected for that attribute.
There are some exceptions such as S/W FLood, where the different filters are subsets of each other. The 30-year flood zone is entirely within the 100-year flood zone, which in turn is entirely within the 1000-year flood zone.
For this reason, while you can filter for assets that are within the larger zone but not within the smaller zone (in 1000yr but not in 100yr), it is impossible for an asset to be within the smaller zone but not within the larger zone (in 30yr but not in 100yr).
Setting filters in such a way would return 0 assets.
Water CoursePrimary courses (P) are wide, blue lines. Secondary ones (S) are thin, dark blue lines.
Private Roads - Red polygons show roads that are not maintained at public expense, such as new developments which have not yet been adopted. Assets in these zones maybe referred to third parties for maintenance, or maintained at the expense of the land owner.
Highway Boundary Yellow polygons show the extent of the highway boundary. Assets in these areas are maintained by the local authority.
Priority Zones - Areas of special priority as designated by the local authority.
- green = minor priority
- orange = moderate priority
- red = significant priority
Channels - Channels are light blue (surface water) and brown (foul water). Combined channels are dashed brown and blue. Arrows show the waterflow direction downstream.
Nodes - The assets are represented by circles containing letters. This letter corresponds to the Asset type.
Channel Defects - This displays any faults that have been recorded against an asset.
Channel Observations - This displays issues related to channel assets.
Silt Track
Click Silt Track to show the last recorded silt levels of all assets on the map screen. This is displayed by colour.
Click the i to show a key:
Click Cleaned to show the last recorded cleaning state of assets on the map screen. This is displayed by colour.
Click the i to show a key:
Click Status to show the last recorded functionality of all assets on the map screen.
Click the i to show a key:
When zoomed out, this shows the average operational status of assets in a cluster. The range of operational to non-operational is green-amber-red.
- White = mostly awaiting inspection
- Green = mostly operational
- Amber = some defective/not operational
- Red = mostly defective/not operational
Moved from proposed - Make sure that the Nodes box is selected. This is used to record the difference between the asset’s GPS position at collection versus the final position once the location has been fine-tuned by the user.
Filter Shortcuts
These filters are commonly used and are positioned here for convenient use.
- Local Authority: This displays only assets that are owned and maintained by the water authority.
Priority Zone: This shows all zones of one type:
- Zone 1 (green) - Minor impact
- Zone 2 (orange) - Moderate impact
- Zone 3 (red) - Significant impact