Assign Cycle Lengths to Assets Using the Risk Matrix

Once scores are generated, the software creates the risk matrix. The matrix is a system of using the importance and vulnerability scores you assigned in the previous step, and assigns those scores according to the historic inspections on each asset. It assigns each asset a total score that can be used to determine priority and cleaning schedule.


The matrix is a visual representation of all assets in the drainage network grouped by their importance and vulnerability. Importance scores increase as you move to the right, and Vulnerability scores increase as you move downwards. 


Therefore, the lowest aggregate risk is in the top left corner of the matrix, and the highest risk is in the bottom right.


Click on Toggle Labels On/Off to show/hide the importance & vulnerability scoring on the outside of the grid.


Assign Cycles Manually

Each collection of assets in the matrix is called a bucket. Click a bucket within thew matrix to select it. 

Multiple buckets can be selected by clicking on them and the total number of assets contained within these buckets will be displayed 

Click a bucket again to deselect it.


When you have selected multiple buckets, click the required cycle as shown in the image below. This will assign that cycle to the selected buckets and colour the buckets accordingly. 


Repeat this process until you have assigned cycles to all the available buckets. Edit the buckets as many times as you need until you are satisfied with the figures in the Cleans per year column.

Click Apply cycle lengths to assets when you have finished editing.


Assign Cycles Automatically


If you would prefer to let the Gully SMART system calculate the most efficient plan of cycle lengths, Click Calculate Recommended Clean Cycles.  Once this is clicked, each bucket in the matrix will coloured according to the cycle length it has been assigned by the algorithm.



Click Apply cycle lengths to assets if you are happy with the recommended numbers. Otherwise, you can follow the manual instructions above to edit the cycles manually.


Detailed instructions of this process can be seen by hovering over the question mark icon on the risk matrix page