The Gully SMART Banner Menu

The Banner Menu

The banner menu has two options: Measure and Account. Measure allows you to measure the distance between two or more points, and account shows your account name and the option to log out of the Data & Insights Hub.


THe KaarbonTech Data & Insights Head Header bar, with Logo and menu options.




Click Measure to activate the measuring tool. Click two points on the map​ to measure the distance in a straight line between them. You can also click further points to measure a complex line, for example measuring the length of the kerbline around a corner.

Double-click to finish measuring. The measurement is visible under Measure in the banner menu.

Click the X to deactivate the tool.

The Header Menu showing a measurement taking place between two gullies, and the distance of 10.582 metres recorded.






Click Account to view your account name, and log out of the system.

The Account menu showing the current username, and the option to log out of the system.